Grant 2017 - UA:
GenderBias hosting and domain renewal was supported by University's of Alicante financiation.
Spondiloarthropaties timeline, see .
Projects objectives: , .
Grant 2014 - FIS:
GenderBias hosting and domain renewal was supported by FIS financiation.
Projects objectives, see HERE.
Grant 2009 - Science Week:
GenderBias poster presentation in the I International Congress of Culture and Gender: The culture
in the body, financiated by the .
Grant 2006/8 - CIBERESP:
This web was maintained by the financial
support of the .
Grant 2005/6 - Observatory of Women's Health:
This web is maintained by the financial
support of the Observatory of Women's Health. .
Grant 2004 - General Direction of Universities:
This web was created by the financial
support of the .
Aim: To improve teaching quality of Spanish University.